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Friday, January 15, 2010


  • Bookmarking 10/03/2010 Just added; You can send url to friends or copy to clipboard the exact position player is at within a video.
  • Language support 10/03/2010 Just added; You can translate all the menus and tooltips in your language now.
  • BackLight 28/10/2009Full screen show the best of it;
    Pretty much a simulation of Ambilight from Philips TVs.
    (I just hope Philips wont sue me for this :])
  • Seeking much like on live streaming videos, user can jump forward in the flv even if that file is not yet fully downloaded; this can save a lot of bandwidth since one can just jump forward and leave instead waiting full video to be downloaded first
  • Rich control bar, fade away after hovering mouse
  • Playlist, xml loaded
  • Ads over video
  • Previous/Next buttons on video sides
  • Full screen
  • Video Smoothing
  • Video screen fit switch

Live Broadcast/Red5 Streaming

Here is my red5 based broadcasting application.
If you want to test how it goes as admin use this to login:
user: lobby123
Password: NotEasyPass
(case sensitive)

Then you can just hit Go live and see how it goes.

- Multiple viewers:  guests and logged in users that can be identified automatically as signed in
- Preview Pane: Before you go live, you can preview your webcam, adjust, volume gain, bandwidth and image quality depending on your connection speed
- Resizable panels: you can drag the upper panes to enlarge or reduce width, depending where you want to focus attention
- Hide Panels: You can use top tabs to remove any panels: video, chat, people, user slots
- Chat features: Clickable links, selectabel text, clickable user that locate it on people list, particular colors for each user, private talk with another user, filter out specific users from chat.
- Admin chat features: Set moderator, with Kick, Ban user options, add a user as cohost to main video window where everybody can see him.
- People list: colored background as text in chat, options to see picture, if it's live broadcasting, gender, if it's typing, if it's moderator. A simple viewer can drag another users in the people list to video slots below so they can can see his webcam and hear him. This way two people can create one to one video/audio link. User can also search others.
- Video slots: Anybody can put here another user to create video/audio link to him.
- Full screen
- Options to manage webcam, chat, ban people
- Playlist: User can create xml playlist of his videos and set in the channel as continuous play or scheduled (24/7).
- Recording: User can record his live show and preview and save.

Feel free to ask me for more details, this is modifiable to certain new features.